Home Our Goals Business Start Up Assistance Entertainers
Building Agreements
To work together for mutual success
Let's all of us go forth working together and make great events an excellent kick off into the spring, as a great time and opportunity for vendors to build stable business options and share their products and services with the public in a reliable and safe venue setting.
We ask each vendors to Pre list with us.. The Centerpiece Marketplace. We ask you to support us as we are working to support you, with a great venue to market your products and present your creative creations.
When Events are scheduled and you are ready to process your Registration for a particular event.
Registration forms can be downloaded from the Internet or you may call our office and we will mail out the forms to you.
form can be e-mailed, faxed or mailed in, but be sure to add your confirmation number from Pay Pal payment invoice, to your registration form- as confirmed payment and registration
We will issue your permit via mail or at the gate on event day or you may choose to pick it up in the office
Office Phone:
You may leave us message at the following numbers: 734-0057 / 734-3354
Vendor support is the key to making this Marketplace work .. It's built to provide a great outlet for Vendors, to provide a consistent and stable venue to operate, and it can provide an ongoing program, which affords vendors a good program to build steady growth,
The employment picture is very challenging, and much will rely on us as individual to find ways for people to earn,
Individually, no single person can compete with the big box store, but as a collective group, working together, you can compete, this is a great opportunity for college Business program to kick start a on the job market setting, Youth groups and organizations to hold fund raising booth, and various Mobil food service units to collectively have a stable place to set up.
anyone with any business can set up, from craft products, health and insurance to plumbing services, to parts distributors, to home crafts business, food producers any organization engaging in fund raising activities and you name it .... we build a great walk traffic area where customers can have many options while they enjoy the atmosphere.
We Respectfully
Thank you
We have outdoors slots also, which can accommodate your tents, including various food services ...
Let's make it great !!!
with a chance of opportunity for everyone..
the Marketplace Team
Organizations throughout the Ark-La-Tex - are encourage to contact us
and discuss your objective and your outreach aims
We can work a program which helps meet your aims in your efforts to achieve your goals
People from all cities are welcome and appreciated to participate in The Centerpiece Marketplace
We extend to you - "A Warm Welcome" - We hope to see you....
We greet you with The Great Spirit of Southern Hospitality of Unity
A Smile
The Making and Shaping of a Nation - Presidents of The United States |
PayScale for information reference to gauge pay rates in the city area -
It may be helpful in your choice to want to be in business for yourself - to enhance your earning potential
""America Was Built by Small Businesses, We can Rebuild it the old fashion way, "Small Business Owners, working together with established businesses, providing great products and quality service
No big overhead cost - we make it simple as 1-2-3, give yourself a chance, your ideas and creations can find the outlet you have desired..
Please enjoy our website & Join in "The Centerpiece Marketplace"
"Let's make the Future different and better for all"
We are by far the most economical means to engage and coordinate with, in the pursuit of your dreams Centerpiece-Presentations |